Call for Photos!! Share Your Experiences Abroad!!Call for Photos!! Share Your Experiences Abroad!!
The Sam Nunn School of International Affairs has an exciting opportunity for all INTA, IAML, EIA, MSIA and IAST students interested in travel and photography!
We are accepting photo submissions for our first annual CALL FOR PHOTOS. The selected photos will be placed on display in the Nunn School reception area in Habersham. Photos should capture the life and travels of Nunn School students while abroad and can include:
• Students engaged in research activities in a variety of environments (e.g., classrooms, libraries, outdoors, etc.)
• Students working with fellow students and/or faculty in a variety of environments (e.g., classrooms, excursions, meetings, etc.)
• Students involved in any other activities which convey the experiences abroad (e.g., meetings, class time, excursions, fieldtrips, civic engagement activities, etc.)
Selected photos will be arranged by location in the following categories:
1) Central America
2) South America
3) Europe
4) Middle East and North Africa
5) Sub-Saharan Africa
6) Central Asia
7) East Asia
8) South Pacific/Oceania
Please provide the following information with each submission:
• Name of student(s) in photo and major(s).
• Indicate location and when the photo was taken.
• Indicate which study abroad program the photo was taken, including term and year.
• Briefly summarize the occasion of the photo, or create a caption.
• No illegal or inappropriate content (alcohol, pornography, violence, or other questionable material). Inappropriate photos will be discarded without affecting the eligibility of the student’s other submissions.
• Size no greater than 8”x10”
• Completed and signed photo subject release form:
Single model release form:
Group model release form:
PLEASE NOTE: Photo(s) submitted must include a completed photo release form for EVERY INDIVIDUAL in a given photo. Photos that do not meet this requirement will not be considered.
Any photos submitted must be labeled: Category_Your Last Name Major_Number. For example:
• Europe_Smith INTA_1
• Europe_Smith INTA 2
• Central America_Anderson IAML_1
• Central America_Anderson IAML_2
Only 3 photos may be submitted per person per category.
All submitted photos must have been taken by the individual student submitting them, must be in color, and be no greater than 8X10 and 300 dpi. Digital submissions should be sent to Prints will not be returned. Submissions must be original photographs taken by the applicant during their academic travels while enrolled at Georgia Tech. Digitally altered photos will not be considered. Cropping is acceptable.
Photo submissions, and other required documentation, are due to the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, 125 Habersham by 5pm, Friday, February 27, 2009. Be sure to allow plenty of time if submitting entries via mail, hand delivery, or e-mail. Late entries will not be accepted.
Submitted photos will be posted in the Academic Services Suite of the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs and may be used by Sam Nunn School of International Affairs and Ivan Allen College in their print publications, websites, or for other Georgia Tech-related purposes.
– Originally distributed February 2, 2009
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Stephanie Jackson | Academic & Career Advisor
Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Georgia Institute of Technology | Atlanta, GA
P: 404.894.0342 | F: 404.894.1900
[see attachment: “2009 Call for Photos Guidelines.pdf”, size: 105119 bytes]
2009 Call for Photos Guidelines.pdf <>