ATTENTION UNDERGRADUATES: all summer and fall 2009 graduating INTA and IAML students
Reply needed by Monday, February 23
If you are graduating in summer or fall 2009 you must attend ONE of the following meetings to complete your degree petition:
1. Monday, March 2, 6:00-7:00 p.m. – room 215 of the Instructional Center
2. Tuesday, March 3, 6:00-7:00 p.m. – room 119 of the Instructional Center
3. Wednesday, March 4, 5:00-6:00p.m. – room 219 of the Instructional Center
4. Thursday, March 5, 5:00-6:00 p.m. – room 215 of the Instructional Center
Instructional Center is building 55 on the campus map:
You must SIGN UP on T-Square/INTA Undergrads for ONE of these dates. In the comment field, please provide the following information:
1. your full name
2. your GTID
3. your major (INTA or IAML)
4. the meeting you would like to attend
5. If you are INTA: the theme of your non-major cluster
Please bring the following to the meeting:
1. a completed graduation checklist (see – write in grades for each class
2. a partially completed degree petition (SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW)
The INTA advisor will bring supplementary degree petition materials to the meeting and we will complete them together. Please plan to stay for the full hour since completing graduation surveys and degree petitions may take this long.
Before the degree petition meeting, download and print the degree petition (, and fill out according to the SAMPLE found in the Degree Petitions file on T-square in INTA Undergrads/Resources. Section 1 – Personal Information; Section 2 – Degree Information; Section 3 – Schedule Information (CURRENT SCHEDULE ONLY), and Section 4 – Minor Information (IF APPLICABLE).
IAML MAJORS: Please see Dr. David Shook in Modern Languages to have your petition signed, and then bring the partially completed petition with you to your degree petition meeting.
Dr. Shook is available in Swann 213 on the following dates/times:
February 23: 11am-12pm, 1-2pm
February 24: 10-10:30am
February 25: 11am-12pm
February 27: 9-9:30am, 11am-12pm
Or by appointment (
INTA MAJORS: Bring the partially completed petition with you to your degree petition meeting.
CO-OP or INTERNATIONAL PLAN: If you are a Co-op Student ( or participating in the International Plan (, you must obtain the signatures and/or forms of the appropriate departments, prior to your degree petition meeting with the INTA advisor. The International Plan form needs to be submitted to the registrar WITH your degree petition.
If you are pursuing a minor, you will need to see the minor department to complete the minor paperwork and bring the form to the INTA degree petition meeting for INTA advisor signature. The minor form needs to be submitted to the registrar WITH your degree petition.
If you have completed a second major with another department on campus, you must meet with that department to complete a second degree petition. Check with that department to find out its degree petition deadlines. That deadline might be earlier than the INTA deadline. Students completing the IAML degree complete ONE degree petition with Stephanie Jackson at one of the meeting times listed above. Dr. Shook in Modern Language must also sign to confirm completion of all language requirements. Please meet with Dr. Shook first to start the petition process. EIA students should see Derek Tittle in ECON to determine your degree petition process.
Certificate forms are available from the specific department in which you completed the certificate. Certificate forms DO NOT go to the registrar, but need to be signed by the department granting the certificate and the INTA advisor. They are then submitted to the department granting the certificate. Certificates are mailed to you after graduation.
The INTA Advisor will take completed and paid for degree petitions to the Registrar’s Office before the deadline. The INTA Advisor will need to copy your degree petition before turning it in to the Registrar’s Office. It is your responsibility to come by and get a copy for your records, so you will know your final schedule. You will be notified when copies are available.