Changing to INTA/IAML:
- Download the form from the Registrar’s website.
- If you are changing into INTA/IAML/EIA, please obtain the appropriate signatures from your current major advisor(s).
- Make an appointment to see the INTA Advisor to review the curriculum and program regulations.
- If additional signatures are needed, the INTA Advisor will notify you which advisor to contact.
- After all signatures have been obtained, be sure to turn in the form to the Registrar’s office on the first floor of Tech Tower.
Changing to EIA:
Follow steps 1 and 2 above, but meet with the ECON Advisor, first, before making an appointment to meet with the INTA Advisor.
INTA/IAML/EIA to Another Major:
If you are changing into another major from INTA/IAML/EIA, please make an appointment so that the INTA Advisor can sign the form before you meet with your new major advisor. You will also need to obtain signatures of the ML or ECON advisor before meeting with the new major advisor.
Change of Major forms will NOT be signed or processed during Registration. This is for students leaving for another major, as well as for students changing into INTA/IAML/EIA. Please note that this policy is also in effect for Modern Languages. Dr. David Shook will not sign Change of Major forms during Registration.
Please note that once submitted to the Registrar’s office, changes are generally made within 2 business days of submission. IF PHASE 2 REGISTRATION FOR THE TERM HAS ENDED, CHANGES ARE NOT MADE FOR THE CURRENT TERM, BUT ARE EFFECTIVE FOR THE NEXT TERM.
This policy does affect your ability to register for major-restricted courses, so if you are considering a major change, please plan accordingly.