Greetings from Indicorps! Indicorps <> offers prestigious grassroots public service fellowships to implement sustainable development projects with community-based organizations across India. Our goal is to reconnect the Indian Diaspora with India through committed service. Nearly 100 young Indian leaders from the US, UK, Canada, South Africa, and Australia have completed the Fellowship and have since gone on to medical, business, and law school, as well as other graduate programs and corporate positions.
Indicorps announces over 30 new competitive projects for the August 2009 Fellowship <> – our 10th Fellowship Class. Fellows will have an opportunity for real-world application of theoretical issues in projects assisting women to gain basic infrastructure services, advocating sustainable waste management services, and building community radio to promote preventative health care. Projects span from Kanpur to Pondicherry; Gujarat to Madhya Pradesh.
As a total-immersion leadership program, Indicorps encourages Fellows to explore their role as a catalyst for change while reconnecting with their homeland. Fellowship projects <> promote both personal growth and collective action towards a secular India that is inclusive, peaceful, and participatory. We intend to foster the next generation of young leaders who are willing to challenge themselves and “be the change.” The program requires a minimum commitment of one year.
We hope that you can share the attached announcement and flier with the International Affairs students at Georgia Tech to find the most exceptional young Indians to support India’s progress. Please hurry – the application deadline is March 15th.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at should you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your support.
Kind regards in service,
Indicorps /// Service for the Soul <>
011 91 93776.99950