For five decades, the United States Air Force Academy has hosted a prestigious undergraduate student conference on a topic of contemporary political significance. This year the Air Force Academy is proud to announce that the 54th Academy Assembly will take place February 4-6, 2013 at the US Air Force Academy in Colorado. This year’s conference, “U.S.-China Relations: Cooperation or Conflict in the 21st Century” will examine an issue that is at the forefront of the US foreign policy debate.
We would like to extend you an invitation to send undergraduate delegates to this year’s Assembly. This year’s Academy Assembly will have no conference fee and no funds will be directly collected from attendees. During the conference, the Air Force Academy will provide lodging in the cadet dormitory and all meals at no cost to delegates. However, delegates staying in the cadet dormitory must be at least 18 years or older; younger delegates must make their own lodging and local transportation arrangements. Delegates or their schools are responsible for travel costs to the Colorado Springs Airport—the Academy will provide transportation to and from the airport.
Registration procedures can be found online at Further information regarding the Academy Assembly, speaker biographies, a schedule of events, and historical information on the Academy Assembly can also be found here.
If you have any questions, please contact the Assembly staff via email at