Each spring the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts recognizes an extraordinary graduate student, undergraduate student, alumna/us, and faculty member with Ivan Allen, Jr., Legacy Awards. These are beautiful Frabel glass sculptures. The student and faculty awards also come with stipends of $1,000 each.
Student nominees should embody the exemplary leadership of Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. In addition to evidence of leadership, the selection criteria include demonstrated academic or professional achievement, civic responsibility, social courage, and character. Nominations must be made by faculty members or academic advisers. Students who feel they are eligible and would like to be nominated for this award should consult with faculty members and advisers in their schools to secure nomination.
Faculty nominees should possess these same characteristics, but greater weight is given to professional achievement. In the case of the faculty award, we rely on school chairs to supply names of nominees. However, faculty who feel they are eligible may approach their school chairs.
Alumni nominees must meet the same criteria as students and faculty and must be nominated by school chairs, faculty, or advisers.
Winners are chosen by a committee of IAC faculty.
The awards will be presented at the IAC Founder’s Day on March 13, 2013.
Nominations must be received by February 22, 2013.
The nomination process is simple. I must receive by email a short nomination letter and each nominee must email me a short summary of achievements together with a resume or c.v.
Send nominations to John Tone, Associate Dean, Ivan Allen College, Georgia Tech. My email address is: john.tone@iac.gatech.edu.
For information about Founder’s Day go to http://www.iac.gatech.edu/news-and-events/annual-founders-day
For information about Ivan Allen, Jr., go to http://www.iac.gatech.edu/about-us/legacy-of-ivan-allen-jr