Peace Corps Master’s – Combine Service With Graduate School

Master’s International Program through the Peace Corps:

Master’s International allows volunteers to incorporate Peace Corps service as credit in a master’s degree program in a variety of fields at more than 80 academic institutions nationwide. Prospective students apply separately to Peace Corps and to a participating graduate school. Once accepted by both, students will study on campus, usually for one year, and then spend the next two years earning academic credit while working overseas in a related Peace Corps project. Most schools provide students in this program with opportunities for research or teaching assistantships, scholarships, or tuition waivers for the credits earned while serving in the Peace Corps.

Visit for more information.

To find a Master’s International program, use the searchable database:

Search under Education to find programs and Peace Corps service
partnerships that lead to a Master’s in Teaching English to Speakers of
Other Languages (TESOL), Applied Mathematics, and other areas of teaching.
Programs cover a wide range of fields.