The Capital Fellows Programs (Assembly, Senate, Executive and Judicial Administration Fellowships) are nationally recognized public policy fellowships offering 64 college graduates unique experiences in policy-making and development with California state government.
Job Description
Capital Fellows (Assembly, Senate, Executive and Judicial Administration Fellows) work for 10-11 months as full-time, paid policy assistants to senior executive branch staff, judicial administration officials, members of the California Assembly and Senate, legislative committees, and other top ranking government officials. Fellows help draft and analyze legislation, answer constituent inquiries, write speeches, conduct policy briefings, and work with court project development and implementation. Fellows gain first-hand experience in governing the most diverse state in the nation and a sense of personal involvement in the leadership of California society. Fellows receive a monthly stipend of $1972, health benefits, and graduate units in Public Policy and Administration or Government with tuition paid by Sacramento State.
Job Qualifications
The only prerequisites for the fellowships are a bachelor’s degree in any major by September 1, 2014 and a demonstrated interest in state government and public service. Applicants must be at least 20 years of age by September 1, 2014 and recent graduates, graduate, postgraduate and mid-career applicants are welcome to apply. Fellows come from all economic, cultural, career and educational backgrounds, and no previous legislative or political experience is required. Fellows are not required to be U.S. citizens, but they must provide proof of appropriate immigration status. The Capital Fellows Programs do not meet the requirements for F-1 or J-1 visas.
To Apply
See detailed application information for each fellowship on our website: . Deadline for all applications is February 10, 2014.