President’s Undergraduate Research Awards (PURA) offer $1500 (max) salary awards to undergraduate students conducting research who are being mentored by a faculty member or GTRI scientist. Also, students whose research has been accepted for presentation at a professional conference may apply for up to $1000 in travel funds. Either faculty or students can initiate projects, but the proposal must be written by the student. A faculty/student team must apply by the deadline below for the semester in which the funds are requested. Fund are competitively awarded.
Please see PURA Rules and Application Procedures before applying!
Deadlines for Salary Awards (NO EXCEPTIONS):
- Summer 2014 – Complete applications (application + recommendation letter) are due February 28th, 2014.
Deadlines for Travel Awards:
Travel applications are accepted any time during the semester in which the award would be used, beginning with the traditional application due date listed above and ranging until at least one month prior to your trip. Please wait to submit an application until your paper or poster has been accepted at the conference.
Handout from PURA Information Session
Questions? Contact the UROP office at