Commencement News – Summer Degree Candidates Interested in Attending Spring Commencement

Summer 2014 Degree Candidates
Interested in Attending Spring Commencement

Undergraduate students who have two or fewer classes remaining to complete degree requirements after the Spring 2014 term will be eligible to request participation in the spring ceremony. Undergraduates must have a 2.0 minimum GPA. Extenuating personal and family circumstances or issues related to the proximity of the student’s home to Atlanta will also be taken into consideration.

The form to request permission to participate in the spring commencement ceremony will be available on the Commencement website in late January 2014. The Office of the Registrar will process the request forms and communicate directly with students by mid-March.

Due to space constraints, the number of summer degree candidates who can participate will be limited. In the event that we have more applicants than available tickets, Registrar’s Office staff will review the forms and select which students are allowed to participate based on the extenuating circumstances provided on the request form.

Consultation with other offices on campus will occur as needed to ensure that all requests are given full and consistent consideration. Summer degree candidates will be notified prior to ticket distribution (mid-March) whether their request will be granted.