Purchasing Power is pulling together a Day at Purchasing Power event to host undergrads who are interested in learning more about careers in ecomm or other related fields such as Merchandising, Business Analytics, Risk Analysis, Project Management, as well as the traditional areas of HR, Finance and Operations.
The agenda would include start time at 9 a.m. with a series of round table discussions with leaders from the various departments ultimately wrapping up by 4 p.m. Lunch will be included, of course, and parking would be validated. We are also within walking distance of the Arts Center station on MARTA since our offices are located at 17th and Peachtree.
Targeting undergrads – preferably in their Sophomore or Junior year (2015 or 2016 grads). A great opportunity for the participants to get insight into what we do and what they may be interested in doing once they graduate.
Contact: Jennifer F. Monahan
Sr. Manager, Talent Acquisition
o 404-602-1484
f 866-451-0695
e jmonahan@purchasingpower.com