Congratulations to the following Sam Nunn School students awarded with 2011 Ivan Allen College undergraduate awards:
Kristin Meagher (IAML) is awarded the Success Beyond Campus Award for her demonstration of hard work and progress in a number of off-campus entrepreneurial activities. Kristen has positively represented the Ivan Allen College through her work with the Canadian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and her current internship at Atlanta’s Carter Center. Ms. Meagher assisted the Department of Foreign Affairs in successfully bringing several “green” technology firms to the city of Atlanta in an effort to further the city’s plans for a more sustainable future. She currently represents the college in her internship at The Carter Center where she was chosen from among nearly four hundred students for her strong academics, leadership skills, experience with international affairs, and fluency in French. At the Carter Center she is entrusted with work in multiple languages, politics, and for Mr. Carter himself, truly proving her to be a worthy recipient of this award.
Austen Edwards (INTA/PUBP) is awarded the Student Leadership Award for his many positions of leadership and his successful mission through them for positive change in his school and organizations. Austen serves as the International Affairs representative of the Student Government Association and on their Executive Committee as the Vice President of Academic Affairs. He also serves as the Public Policy representative on the Ivan Allen College’s Student Advisory Board. In his time as a leader he has overhauled the registration process, helped to start a minor in Leadership Studies, shaped Georgia Tech’s trimester plan, pushed to open a Center for Service-Learning, and negotiated the Student-Faculty Expectations Agreement. He is not only a member of Georgia Tech’s very wide-reaching organizations, such as the Open Forum Executive Board, but is also a leader on the individual level as a freShGA advisor who mentors individual underclassmen. Austen’s success in enacting positive change and his rigorous dedication to leading make him the perfect student for the Leadership Award.
Erica Murray (INTA) is awarded the Community Service Award for being the student who most consistently contributed to her community in a lasting and meaningful way. Before her time at Tech, Erica volunteered at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and was a seven year member of the Alpharetta-Roswell Chapter of the National Charity League. After she began attending Georgia Tech, she joined the Atlanta Humane Society and has helped over one hundred animals return to good health. As a result of her hard work with the humane society, she was asked to train with the Humane Emergency Animal Rescue Team, a specialized group of individuals who devote their time and passion to the plight of animals in Atlanta. On campus, Erica joined the student-led organization GT HEROs, which is a fundraising division of H.E.R.O. for Children and has since joined the group’s Marketing Committee, been elected Secretary of it’s Executive Board, and served as Co-Executive Director. She has worked with the peers on her team to raise money to improve the quality of life of children whose lives have been damaged by HIV/AIDS. Having recruited several other students to her cause and logged over 500 hours of service before even attending Georgia Tech, Erica Murray’s continuing efforts definitively earned her the Community Service Award.