Featuring Professors Anupam Srivastava (UGA), Penelope B. Prime (Mercer University), John Garver (Georgia Tech), and John McIntyre (Georgia Tech)
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 7:30 p.m.
Georgia Tech Student Center Ballroom
350 Ferst Drive, N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0458
[Supper served at 6:30 PM for those who indicate interest. Cost TBD, but it will be very reasonable.]
For more information: http://www.cistp.gatech.edu/newsandevents/event.html?id=5356
To reserve and receive directions: alevin@gatech.edu Please have “India-China” in the subject line. ************************************************************************************************* “New Perspectives of Official Development Assistance (ODA): Integrating the Korean Case” Featuring visiting professor Changrok Soh (Georgia Tech) Lecture and Lunch (no cost)
Thursday, January 14, 2010 11:00 AM
Wardlaw Center, Gordy Room
177 North Avenue
Atlanta, GA 30332 on the Georgia Tech campus
For more information: http://www.cistp.gatech.edu/newsandevents/event.html?id=5357
To reserve a lunch and receive directions: alevin@gatech.edu Please have “Korean ODA” in the subject line.