Networking is consistently cited as the #1 way to get a job. Networking is the process of discovering and utilizing connections between people. Networks stem from friendships or business relationships. Everyone knows other people, and thus has a network, but “networking” implies movement beyond one’s immediate network and involves tapping into other people’s networks. Networking… Continue reading Networking Tips
Category: Announcements
Strategies for Success: How Successful Students Manage Their Learning
Strategies for Success: How Successful Students Manage Their Learning. Monday March 9nd, 7PM ISyE Annex Building, Room 228 (Executive Classroom) Come and talk to a panel of successful Tech students from a variety of majors and see what they do to get good grades.
Partner with real communities, learn by doing, have the experience of a lifetime GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT SUMMER INSTITUTE 2009 Argentina * India * Uganda Applications accepted on a rolling basis until March 2 Undergraduate leadership training in international community development
IP Advising for INTA/IAML/EIA majors
This is an advising session for INTA/IAML/EIA majors. If you are new to the IP or are a freshman, sophomore, or junior who has not completed all of the requirements, this session is for you. Come have your general questions answered as well as those specific to your major (questions about transfer credit, language requirements,… Continue reading IP Advising for INTA/IAML/EIA majors
Summer and Fall 2009 Degree Petition Meetings
ATTENTION UNDERGRADUATES: all summer and fall 2009 graduating INTA and IAML students Reply needed by Monday, February 23 If you are graduating in summer or fall 2009 you must attend ONE of the following meetings to complete your degree petition: 1. Monday, March 2, 6:00-7:00 p.m. – room 215 of the Instructional Center 2. Tuesday,… Continue reading Summer and Fall 2009 Degree Petition Meetings
Call for Photos!! Share Your Experiences Abroad!!
Call for Photos!! Share Your Experiences Abroad!!Call for Photos!! Share Your Experiences Abroad!! The Sam Nunn School of International Affairs has an exciting opportunity for all INTA, IAML, EIA, MSIA and IAST students interested in travel and photography! We are accepting photo submissions for our first annual CALL FOR PHOTOS. The selected photos will be… Continue reading Call for Photos!! Share Your Experiences Abroad!!
Michael Williams Minority Student Award
This award is intended to promote increased involvement by African-Americans and other under-represented students (Native Americans and Latinos) in international affairs. The award is based upon academic performance and a demonstrated interest in pursuing a career in public service, preferably in the international arena (e.g., participation in ROTC, government or international NGO internship, etc.). The… Continue reading Michael Williams Minority Student Award
Laura W. Bush Traveling Fellowship
Laura W. Bush Traveling Fellowship Background: The fellowship will help fund a proposal designed by the applicant to conduct brief work in a foreign country related to the mandate of UNESCO – using education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, and/or communication and information to build strong ties among nations. The fellowship is intended… Continue reading Laura W. Bush Traveling Fellowship
International Plan Meets the I-House
Date: Thursday, February 12, 2009 Time: 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Location: 4th Street Apts., on Techwood It’s a pizza party at the I-House (4th Street Apartments on Techwood) on Thursday, February 12 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, and a chance to learn more about the countries and universities where you will spend your… Continue reading International Plan Meets the I-House
International Leadership Training – Call for Applicants
The UNESCO Chair & Institute of Comparative Human Rights at the University of Connecticut invites applications for the fifth annual International Leadership Programme: A Global Intergenerational Forum, to be held August 1 – 9, 2009 in Storrs, Connecticut.