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Welcome to registration! Whether you are a new freshman or on your last semester, this hub offers answers to some of your most frequently asked registration questions. Click one of the links below to begin the simulation.
Once you've begun, if you ever want to return to a previous page, click the undo arrow to the left of the logo at the top of the page.
As you start your registration, what are you hoping to find out?
• [[I have a specific question]]
• [[I want to see the whole registration process. ]]
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Here are some commonly asked questions:
• [[Where is my time ticket?]]
• [[Where is my time ticket?<-When will I get my time ticket?]]
• [[Major Restrictions<-I really need CS1315, but it's restricted, can you get me into this class?]]
• [[Waitlists<-How can I get off the waitlist for MATH 1712?]]
• [[Major Restrictions<-Can you grant me a permit for SPAN 2001?]]
• [[Major Restrictions<-Why is MGT 2210 restricted? I need that for my major!]]
• [[HTS Options<-What classes can I take for the HTS requirement?]]
• [[Lab Science Options<-I can't get into EAS 1601, what other lab classes can I take?]]
• [[INTA 4500<-I'm a senior, and INTA 4500 is restricted to seniors, so why can't I take it?]]
• [[Campus Restrictions<-I'm trying to register for INTA 2221 but keep getting a campus restriction. It's an INTA class and I am an INTA major. Why can't I take it?]]
[[End Page<-I'm all done!]]<h1><img src="https://intaadvising.gatech.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Nunn_School_Ivan_Allen_White.png" alt "Nunn School Logo" style="width:500px"></h1>
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It’s mid-semester and the schedule of classes has just been released! You’ve been excitedly browsing OSCAR and CourseOff to see what your schedule will look like next semester…
[[Where is my time ticket?<-But when do you actually get to register?]]<h1><img src="https://intaadvising.gatech.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Nunn_School_Ivan_Allen_White.png" alt "Nunn School Logo" style="width:500px"></h1>
<div style="background-color:#B3A369; text-align:left; vertical-align: middle; padding:20px 47px;">
To find your time ticket, first log onto Buzzport and follow this pathway: Registration (Oscar)>Registration>Add or Drop Classes>Select the next semester.
If the next semester is not available, that means that time tickets have not yet been released. To find out when they will be released, visit the <a href="https://registrar.gatech.edu/calendar">Registrar Academic Calendar.</a>
For Summer 2022, time tickets are released March 24. Fall 2022 Phase I time tickets are released April 11. Summer and Fall Phase I Registration end on May 20. Fall Phase II time tickets are released August 12 and Phase II Registration will run from August 13 through August 26, 2022.
Now that you know when to register, it’s time to start thinking about [[What classes will I take?<-what classes to take.]]
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INTA, EIA, and IAML students are recommended to take 15-17 hours per semester with a healthy mix of classes every semester. Each semester should include 1-3 major related classes (INTA/ECON core and INTA/ECON/ML electives), 1 Georgia Tech core requirement, and 1-2 cluster or free electives.
Do you want to base your schedule around [[INTA Classes<-your major related classes?]] Or the [[Georgia Tech Core<-Georgia Tech core?]]
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You’ve consulted your graduation checklist and picked out your next classes, written down the CRN, and logged onto Buzzport.
But when you try to register, you receive an error and think to yourself…
• [[Campus Restrictions<-“What is a ‘campus restriction’? Why can’t I register for INTA 2221 as an INTA major?”]]
• [[INTA 4500<-“I’ll be a senior next semester, but I can’t register for INTA 4500. What’s the deal?”]]
• [[Modern Languages<-"Foreign language is a major requirement. Why can't I register for SPAN 2001?"]]
[[End Page<-I'm all done!]]
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In addition to your major related classes, INTA, EIA, and IAML students are required to take courses in math, science, technology, and world history.
As you plan your schedule you’ve been having the most trouble with…
[[Major Restrictions<-Course Restrictions]]
[[Lab Science Options<-What lab science should I take?]]
[[Math Options<-What math course should I take?]]
[[HTS Options<-What history course should I take?]]
[[Tech Options<-What technology course should I take?]]
[[End Page<-I'm all done!]]<h1><img src="https://intaadvising.gatech.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Nunn_School_Ivan_Allen_White.png" alt "Nunn School Logo" style="width:500px"></h1>
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What is a campus restriction? Why can’t I register for INTA 2221 as an INTA major?
Campus restriction indicates that you are trying to register for a class that is at one of GT’s satellite campuses – typically GT Lorraine or GT Shenzhen – when you are planning to take classes in Atlanta.
To avoid this problem in the future, you can filter your campus to be Georgia Tech-Atlanta when searching for classes on Oscar. CourseOff will not include this distinction, but if the location says “TBA,” there’s a good chance the class is not on Atlanta’s campus.
INTA 2221 (Politics of the EU) is a staple of the Georgia Tech Lorraine program. The course is occasionally offered in Atlanta, but always verify the location on Oscar before trying to register.
Do you have more questions about [[INTA Classes<-major related classes?]] Or should we move onto [[Georgia Tech Core<-the Georgia Tech core?]]
</div><h1><img src="https://intaadvising.gatech.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Nunn_School_Ivan_Allen_White.png" alt "Nunn School Logo" style="width:500px"></h1>
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It’s your senior year and time to consider your capstone. You’re excited to register for one of your last INTA courses, but you keep getting an error that you’re not a senior!
This likely means that you’re on the cusp of being considered a senior by credit hours. At the end of the current semester, you will have enough credits to receive senior classification, but not during Phase I registration. You will have to wait until Phase II to register, as permits are not granted during Phase I.
Do you have more questions about [[INTA Classes<-major related classes?]] Or should we move onto [[Georgia Tech Core<-the Georgia Tech core?]]
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Choose any two of the following for your lab science courses. Courses do not have to be in sequence or from the same department.
• BIOS 1107 + BIOS 1107L: Biological Principles
• BIOS 1108 + BIOS 1108L: Organismal Biology
• BIOS 1220: Biology of Sex & Death
• CHEM 1211K: Chemical Principles I
• CHEM 1212K: Chemical Principles II
• CHEM 1310: General Chemistry (Credit not allowed for 1211k and 1310)
• EAS: 1600: Introduction to Environmental Science
• EAS 1601: Habitable Planet
• EAS 2600: Earth Processes
• PHYS 2211: Introductory Physics I
• PHYS 2212: Introductory Physics II
Now that you’ve examined your lab science options, would you like to know more about [[Georgia Tech Core<-other Georgia Tech Core Classes?]] [[What classes will I take?<-Or other classes?]]
</div><h1><img src="https://intaadvising.gatech.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Nunn_School_Ivan_Allen_White.png" alt "Nunn School Logo" style="width:500px"></h1>
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You have three sequence options for math, totaling 8 credits.
Option 1 (Strongly encouraged for EIA):
• MATH 1551 (2 Credit Hours): Differential Calculus
• MATH 1552 (4 Credit Hours): Integral Calculus
• MATH 1553 (2 Credit Hours): Introduction to Linear Algebra
Option 2:
• MATH 1711 (4 Credit Hours): Finite Mathematics
• MATH 1712 (4 Credit Hours): Survey of Calculus
Option 3:
• MATH 1712 (4 Credit Hours): Mathematics for Management II
• MATH 1551 (4 Credit Hours): Differential Calculus
• MATH 1553 (4 Credit Hours): Introduction to Linear Algebra
Now that you’ve examined your math options, would you like to know more about [[Georgia Tech Core<-other Georgia Tech Core Classes?]] [[What classes will I take?<-Or other classes?]]
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One 3-credit course in World History is required. Not all classes are offered every semester.
• AP (Advanced Placement) World History
• HTS 1031: Europe Since the Renaissance
• HTS 2036: Revolutionary Europe: 1789to 1914
• HTS 2037: Twentieth Century Europe: 1914 to Present
• HTS 2040: History of Islamic Societies
• HTS 2041: History of Modern Middle East
• HTS 2051: Colonial Latin America
• HTS 2061: Traditional Asia
• HTS 2062: Asia in the Modern World
• HTS 3028: Ancient Greece: Gods, Heroes, and Ruins
• HTS 3029: Ancient Rome: From Greatness to Ruins
• HTS 3030: Medieval Europe: 350 to 1400
• HTS 3031: European Labor History
• HTS 3032: European Intellectual History
• HTS 3033: Medieval England
• HTS 3035: Britain 1815 to 1914
• HTS 3036: Britain Since 1914
• HTS 3038: The French Revolution
• HTS 3039: Modern France
• HTS 3041: Modern Spain
• HTS 3043: Modern Germany
• HTS 3045: Nazi German and the Holocaust
• HTS 3046: Science, Politics, and Culture in Nazi Germany
• HTS 3048: Modern Russian History
• HTS 3051: Women & Gender in the Middle East
• HTS 3055: Globalization
• HTS 3061: Modern China
• HTS 3062: Modern Japan
• HTS 3063: Outposts of Empire: Comparative History of British Colonization
• HTS 3065: History of Global Societies
• HTS 3067: Revolutionary Movements
• HTS 3069: Modern Cuba
Now that you’ve examined your HTS options, would you like to know more about [[Georgia Tech Core<-other Georgia Tech Core Classes?]] [[What classes will I take?<-Or other classes?]]
</div><h1><img src="https://intaadvising.gatech.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Nunn_School_Ivan_Allen_White.png" alt "Nunn School Logo" style="width:500px"></h1>
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Lab sciences and math classes fill up fast, particularly EAS 1601 and MATH 1712 for INTA, EIA, and IAML majors. You can still register for a class that is full and be added to the waitlist. You can check your waitlist position by logging onto Buzzport and navigating to Registration>Student Detail Schedule. If that number of students has dropped the class, you will receive an email notification that you can register for the class, with 12 hours to respond.
Whether you are #1 or #87 on the waitlist, there is a chance you still may not get into the class. You can try again next semester or look at your alternatives for [[Lab Science Options<-lab sciences]] and [[Math Options<- math classes]].
Would you like to know more about [[Georgia Tech Core<-other Georgia Tech Core Classes?]] [[What classes will I take?<-Or other classes?]]
</div><h1><img src="https://intaadvising.gatech.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Nunn_School_Ivan_Allen_White.png" alt "Nunn School Logo" style="width:500px"></h1>
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Departments with high demand for low-level classes may restrict registration periods for non-majors. For Nunn School students, this may affect your ability to get into:
• CS 1301 or 1315
• MGT 2210
<blockquote>Language classes are open to EIA/INTA/IAML majors for the entirety of registration, but if you have not officially changed your major to one of these, you may still encounter errors. Changes of major are not processed during registration.</blockquote>
<b>While INTA Advisor cannot help you get into these courses,</b> these departments will publish when non-majors can register for these classes t the beginning of every registration period.
• <a href="https://www.cc.gatech.edu/undergraduate-registration">College of Computing Registration Dates</a>
• <a href="https://www.scheller.gatech.edu/degree-programs/undergraduate/student-services/registration-support.html">College of Business Registration Dates</a>
• <a href="https://modlangs.gatech.edu/students/registration">School of Modern Languages Registration Dates</a>
• <a href="https://math.gatech.edu/permits-and-waitlists">School of Mathematics Registration Dates</a>
• <a href="https://registrar.gatech.edu/info/permit-overload-departmental-contacts">Permit and Overload Departmental Contacts</a>
Would you like to know more about [[Georgia Tech Core<-other Georgia Tech Core Classes?]] [[What classes will I take?<-Or other classes?]]
</div><div style="background-color:#B3A369; text-align:left; vertical-align: middle; padding:20px 47px;">
<h1><img src="https://intaadvising.gatech.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Nunn_School_Ivan_Allen_White.png" alt "Nunn School Logo" style="width:500px"></h1>
You're all set for next semester! If you have any questions there were not covered in this simulation, please reach out to <a href="mailto:stephanie.jackson@inta.gatech.edu">Stephanie Jackson</a>.
The secret word is ADVISORLINK.
[[Introduction<-Click here if you want to restart]].
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INTA, IAML, EIA majors must take two technology courses totaling 6 credit hours. Some of these courses may be major restricted. You can learn about how this will impact your registration [[Major Restrictions<-here]].
Your first course must be either CS 1301 or CS 1315. Your second course must be chosen from the following list.
• BMED 2400: Introduction to Biostatistics
• CP 4510: Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems
• CS 1301: Introduction to Computing
• CS 1315: Introduction to Media Computation
• CS 1316: Representing Structure and Behavior
• CS 1331: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
• CS 2316: Data Input and Manipulation
• CS 2803: DWD Dynamic Web Development
• EAS 3110: Environment, Energy and Society
• EAS 4480: Environmental Data Analysis
• ECE 2020: Digital System Design
• ID 3103: Industrial Design Computing I
• LMC 3402: Graphic and Visual Design
• LMC 3410: Rhetoric of Non-linear Documents
• ME 2016: Computing Techniques
• MGT 2210: Information Systems and Digital Transformation
• MGT 4051: Decision Support and Expert Systems
• MGT 4052: Systems Analysis and Design
Now that you’ve examined your technology options, would you like to know more about [[Georgia Tech Core<-other Georgia Tech Core Classes?]] [[What classes will I take?<-Or other classes?]]
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During the first three weeks of Phase I registration, all SPAN courses and some FREN courses are "major and minor restricted" meaning only the following students can register:
Students with the following majors: ALIS, EIA, GEML, HTS, IAML, INTA, and LMC
Students with the following minors: French and Spanish
<blockquote>Language classes are open to EIA/INTA/IAML majors for the entirety of registration, but if you have not officially changed your major to one of these, you may still encounter errors. Changes of major are not processed during registration.</blockquote>
For permits or any language class errors, please contact <b>the Modern Languages advisor, <a href="mgonzalez96@gatech.edu">Dr. Mirla Gonzalez</a></b>
Do you have more questions about [[INTA Classes<-major related classes?]] Or should we move onto [[Georgia Tech Core<-the Georgia Tech core?]]