Peace Corps Information Session

Wednesday, March 7th
Habersham Building, Room 136
Begins at 4:30pm

Peace Corps is actively seeking GA Tech students and alumni for Peace Corps service. Attend this info session to meet with regional
recruiter, Becky Ament, to hear about her volunteer experience, have your questions answered, and receive tips to become a more
competitive applicant.

The Peace Corps offers a unique opportunity to make a difference around the world and bring the benefits of that experience back home.

Peace Corps is a life-defining leadership experience you will draw upon throughout your life. The skills you learn as a Volunteer can help you achieve your personal goals and enhance your career marketability. Peace Corps provides training in a foreign language, technical skills, and cross-cultural understanding.

Go to to complete an online form to receive news.

For More Info, contact: Becky Ament, (404) 562-3479 /