The Georgia Tech DC Internship Program is looking for spring interns. Two students will be selected to receive a $7,500 stipend to cover the cost of expenses (housing, transportation, and living expenses) while serving in a full-time capacity working as interns in Washington, DC. This program is open to both undergraduate and graduate students of all majors.
Students will be required to find their own internship, with the assistance of the Division of Professional Practice (DoPP) and the Office of Government and Community Relations. Internships must be with members of Congress, Congressional Committees or executive branch offices.
During the course of the internship, students will work full-time in offices in and around Washington, DC for 16 weeks. To earn course credit, interns will also be required to complete weekly journals and must be available to outreach to other GT students once they return to campus.
Should you be a DC Intern? Yes, if…
- you are Georgia Tech student who is curious about how the federal government really works how it impacts your life, even here in Georgia or anywhere in the country.
- you want to help shape the nations future in politics, science, technology, business, law, media, education, medicine, or beyond.
- you would like to enhance your education by obtaining the experience and contacts for future job opportunities.
Are there other requirements? Yes:
- You must register with DoPP to receive audit credit for the internship (If you want to receive academic credit you must contact your department. Please note that there is a cost per credit hour associated with receiving academic credit).
- You must be in good disciplinary standing.
- You must have taken one of the following courses prior to applying for program: HIST 2111, 2112, POL 1101, INTA 1200, PUBP 3000 or its equivalent.
- You must be graduating later than December 2013.
Selection is based on potential for leadership as indicated by grades, work experiences, extracurricular activities, interests, and maturity. You will be asked to furnish a transcript and resume, as well as two references from people who have taught you or worked with you.
Deadline for Spring 2013 is September 28, 2012 at 5:00PM.
Download Application
Please submit three (3) copies of each of the following, the completed application, a copy of your transcript (printed within the last 30 days), a resume and your essay to:
Fatimot Ladipo
Assistant Director of Federal Relations
Office of Government and Community Relations
A. French Building, Suite 015
Phone: 202-756-3671