Executive Round Table (ERT) is a professional forum where select Georgia Tech students, faculty, and industry members from the Southeast come together in a setting of open discussion. At ERT’s monthly dinner meetings, prominent guest speakers present to the members on a variety of topics pertinent to the business and social arenas. Each presentation concludes with a relevant challenge being posed to the ERT members who collaborate in a “round table” format on proposals to share with the group.
Executive Round Table is an elite group with a high caliber membership and rich history at Georgia Tech. ERT is unique among GT’s student organizations in its meritocratic structure of open engagement and equality of contribution between students, faculty, and industry members. These members come from diverse walks of life and seek intellectual challenge, professional development, and networking with other driven individuals. In the spring, ERT members travel to a resort location near Atlanta for a weekend conference which provides an in-depth development of a central theme. This conference represents ERT’s capstone program, and the experience is a journey of personal growth and camaraderie for attendees.
I highly encourage you to apply to be a part of our discussion. Applications are due by 5:00 PM on Friday, October 2nd. Interested students may apply online at www.gtert.org <http://www.gtert.org/> . Additional information about ERT and membership requirements are available on our website, and please feel free to contact me at vp.student@gtert.org <mailto:vp.student@gtert.org> if you have any further questions.
Thank you for your interest in Executive Round Table!
Best regards,
Kaitlyn Frazier