Erato Creative Arts Journal

Erato published one creative arts journal each spring semester and seeks to showcase the creative work of the entire Georgia Tech Community. If you write poetry or prose, take photographs, paint, draw, or do anything visually creative that can be captured — we want to share your work! Please send us your submissions (send to, or come along to some of our events that stimlulate creativity!

Twice a week, we have a Creative Writing Hour — an open space to write or share works-in-progress with other writers for encouragement. We hold those Tuesdays at 3pm and Thursdays at 11am in the STAC Lounge (3rd Flr Skiles, across from 318).

We also have open mic nights that showcase artwork and spoken work, and the first of those will be held in the CRC’s H2O Cafe on Monday, February 22nd at 7pm in co-sponsorship with the GT Campaign for Every Body. We have an online reading group, meetings to plan the future of the journal, and much, much more!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the editor, Amaris Gutierrez-Ray, at