Fulbright Information Session



There will be a Fulbright information session with representatives from the Institute of International Education in New York on Thursday, February 26 at 4:00, Piedmont Room, Student Center.  

All undergraduates and first-year graduate students are invited to learn what is needed to apply for a Fulbright award in one of 140 countries.  See attached message for additional information.  There have been two INTA majors selected for Fulbright in the last couple years, so you could be next!!

All Undergraduates and First-year Graduate Students interested in Fulbright applications are invited to meet with Fulbright Program Representatives from the Institute for International Education (IIE) from New York.

All students potentially interested in applying for a Fulbright should attend this information session because to be a successful Fulbright applicant requires long-term preparation.

There are many decisions students need to make before they apply for a Fulbright award:

                What country?

                What type of Fulbright award–research, graduate study, or English Teaching Assistantship?

                What university or research institute (for non-ETA awards)?

Is language study needed before applying?

                Is a letter of invitation needed? If so—who can provide it?         

The Georgia Tech campus deadline for Fulbright applications is September 18, 2009 for students who will be seniors and graduate students and wish to receive an award in 2010-2011. Preparing for a Fulbright application is a process best done with adequate time and by working with an advisor. An appointment this spring to discuss the award with an advisor and working on essays this summer are strongly suggested.

Tony Claudino and Lee Rivers, representatives from IIE, the organization that oversees the US student Fulbright application process, will be at Tech February 26 to present information and answer questions. Students can look at information from the previous competition at www.fulbrightonline.org. Materials for the fall competition will be available on this site after May 1.


Dr. Karen Adams—make an appointment to meet with Dr. Adams after March 18.  karen.adams@provost.gatech.edu